Sunday, August 31, 2014

Post #0

My friends call me Dod. Since you made it to my small corner of the web, you're welcome to it! Nothing to do, by the way, with the good old Day of Defeat (I get that a lot), just an actual diminutive that stuck from my teenage years. I live in the New York area these days, but I grew up in France so if you're looking for the reason for my odd figures of speech, look no further. I'm a programmer by trade, a decent one I believe, though it's a vocation that came to me in the late, fed by a healthy dose of Cartesian logic a nerdy fascination for gadgets and computer games. While most of my school days were spent on open systems (NetBSD mostly), I started out as a web developer using classic ASP (yes, VBScript), and moved on to embrace C# and the various iterations of the .Net framework.

So what got me to start this up? I find myself often popping up with ideas, things to do or to dig up, but somehow life always seems to get in the way, and they come to pass. So this starts up for me as an experiment; I'm making the bet that getting outside of my comfort zone, writing down what's going though this mind wandering of mine and giving it some structure will make something good come out of it. It's a process, and I think the act of sharing may help too.

What's to be expected on this blog then? Well this may cover a vast array of topics, but this is clearly work in progress. Obviously, there will be some nerdy stuff, computer / programming and the like, but I also have a keen interest in sporty topics, food/cooking, reading and traveling. Expect any of this to pepper the geeky stuff at any time!